Property, Buildings & Outlets

The menu includes the following options:

  • Property - allows users to set up property settings.

  • Buildings - allows users to add property details for each additional building.

  • Outlets - allows users to create new outlets.

  • Meal Periods - allows users to add the meal types and times to offer meals to the guests.

  • Group - allows users to set default group arrival and departure shoulder days for the property and make blocks required or not required during a group booking.

  • Advanced Booking Calendar - allows users to configure a calendar for advanced bookings in the property.

  • Reservation Default - allows users to set default values for guests and nights while creating reservations.

  • Document - allows users to create names for the type of uploaded documents.

  • Language and Locale - allows users to set the language, currency, and date and time representations to the property location.

  • Fiscal Year - allows users to change the fiscal year setting.

  • Regional - allows users to set the VAT number.

  • Age Groups - allows users to define different age groups apart from the current setting that supports only adults and children.

  • Auto Checkout - allows properties to automate the checkout process.

  • Custom Fields - allows users to create new input fields to collect various Guest or reservation-related information, feedback, or reviews.

  • BIN Range - declare BIN ranges exempted from credit card number verification in the Reference field.

  • Early Check-In - set multiple early check-in fees at the property level.

  • Late Check-Out - set multiple late check-out fees at the property level.